
ARIAS (Asia) operates a Mediation Scheme for the resolution of insurance and reinsurance related disputes as a complement to its arbitration scheme.

ARIAS (Asia) Mediation Panel Members

Most ARIAS (Asia) Mediation Panel Members are accredited by the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited (“HKMAAL”), having completed the intensive and specifically tailored training programme of HKMAAL. Others have, by application to ARIAS (Asia), demonstrated their experience in this field and have received accreditation by those means.

Those who are also ARIAS (Asia) arbitration panel members are listed on the ARIAS (Asia) website at Parties and their lawyers may appoint a mediator from the list directly, or request the Mediation Scheme administrator to make an appointment.

(Other arbitration panel members may also be accredited as mediators by other bodies, and have included details of their accreditation in their website entries, and offer their services as mediators to parties and their lawyers. However, only ARIAS (Asia) accredited panel mediators will be appointed by the Scheme administrator on behalf of ARIAS (Asia) under the Scheme.)

The ARIAS (Asia) Scheme

The Scheme is administered by the Honourable Secretary (contact details below). Requests for appointment of mediators under the Scheme should be made by e-mail to ARIAS (Asia) at Mediations under this Scheme are conducted by a sole mediator and parties requesting mediation under this Scheme agree to this appointment.

Parties may nominate their own mediators or request ARIAS (Asia) to do so. Parties are free to use the services of any competent mediator of their choice. Mediators nominated by ARIAS (Asia), however, will only be chosen from our own list of panel mediators accredited by us. Mediators nominated by ARIAS (Asia) will charge a fee as determined by the mediators themselves.

ARIAS (Asia) will charge a fee of HK$1,000 for its appointing service to be shared equally between the parties.

Full details of the Scheme are contained in the ARIAS Guidelines for Mediation, the ARIAS (Asia) Mediation Agreement and associated documents. All these are available on request or can be downloaded from the website.


Hon. Secretary                                                                       [Title]

[Name]                                                                                   [Name]

[E-mail]                                                                                  [E-mail]